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Hampton University’s most famous graduate:
Booker T. Washington
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If I had to give another reason for joining ASALH, it would be that you would become a part of something that can make a difference. Just think about it, if we all tell the accurate narrative of our history to a few people and then they tell a few more, imagine how many people we can empower with the precise record of our history to the world. You do not have to have a degree in history. All you need is a desire to be a voice our people desperately need as we forge this path to ensure that our history is accurate.
Why should you join an ASALH Branch?
Access to Academic Journals
The ability to post books to the ASALH bookshelf
Networking with Black scholars from all over the world on
Information about the history of African Americans are a few of the material things you acquire as a new member.
During these times in our history, when they, the world, the enemy are trying to silence us, it is our time to speak out and let the world know. We have endured many atrocities, but we are still here. This is a testimony to the perseverance of our ancestors. So, when you ask yourself, can I make a difference? Your answer should be yes. Join ASALH today, and let us get busy!
Always remember that you are ASALH!